Saturday, August 18, 2007

Virtual Hugs, Real Prayers

It's been a rough week for Casey, Ashley and Jared. One week ago, life was normal, whatever "normal" is. Now their lives have been changed forever, as well as those who know and love them.

When Kristopher called and said, "Mom, something happened..." I thought he might have dented his dad's pickup truck. I thought, "No big deal..." Then he began to tell me about the accident. Like everyone else, I'm sure, I could hardly believe it, and wanted as much as he did, to be in three places at once to be with Casey, Ashley and Jared.

There are so many things for which to be thankful:
1. The accident happened near home, and near a hospital.
2. Mercy flights were available for Casey and Jared.
3. Prayers could go up immediately on behalf 0f "our kids."
4. Ashley's family was back from vacation.
5. Emergency response equipment was available to rescue them.
6. We have modern medical technology to save their lives and improve their recovery.
7. We can communicate immediately by cell phone (and internet) rather than waiting to be by a home phone (or rely on post office mail).
7. It happened on a weekend and people could visit.
8. It could have been so much worse!

I know the road ahead will be long, and not at all what these three special people had planned for their lives, but we will all continue to keep them in our prayers and support them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Everyone is doing good for what they went through. Casey and Ashley were discharged together and they're both at Casey's mom's house just outside of Prattsburgh. Casey is recovering well and he hasn't lost his sense of humor. An exact quote from him, "Man, the farthest I can go is from this hospital bed to that walker toilet to poop and back, it sucks!" (lol) Ashley is doing fine, her jaw was broken and he's got it wired shut while it recovers but she can still speak through her teeth and is otherwise walking around perfectly normal.

Jared got the worst: Brain pressure, broken neck, broken vertebrae in his back, and is in an induced coma to keep his brain activity minimal. I visited him today, and let me tell you, for the first time in this entire ordeal, I finally shed a tear. It's difficult talking to someone when they're not moving, but can understand you. It's like talking to a voicemail where the person can hear and somewhat understand you, and is laying right in front of you. But...for all these three went through, they are in AWESOME condition. It could have been a LOT worse, but thankfully, they all have angels watching out for them, and all had their seatbelts on.

It's going to be a long road to recovery for them all, but let it be known, the entire town of Avoca, people all over the nation, and across the seas are praying for them, and miracles are happening.

Will post updates as I get to know them. Thanks for creating this, mom.

Kris Koehler (well known as simply, KOEHLER)